Melanzane Parmigiana

No food cries out Italy more than a tasty dish of Melanzane Parmigiana.  You may not be familiar with the name Melanzane, more commonly known in the UK as Aubergine.   The “eggplant”,  as it is also known,  was originally native to Pakistan and India.  In India it is known as Brinjal.

Melanzane from the Latin “mala insana” or “bad egg” but there is nothing bad about this world respected fruit.  The Greeks use it in Moussaka, the Indian culture in vegetarian curries, and throughout the world this dish favours in many a vegetarian diet.

I would like to share my recipe with you so you to can enjoy this easy to prepare tasty dish.


1 Aubergine  (The first thing you must do is prepare your aubergine.  Slice it thinly lengthwise.  Brush lightly on both sides with olive oil.)

I like to prepare mine on my outdoor barbeque as it gives a lot of space to lay the aubergine.  However, if you are not able to do this grill it in the oven until it colours and turn over.  This will not take too long so keep your eye on them.

INGREDIENTS – 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 red onion (chopped), 3 garlic cloves (sliced), 4 oz chestnut mushrooms (or any other type), 3 fresh thyme sprigs or 1 tsp dried thyme, 8 sage leaves (chopped) or 2 tsp dried sage, 1 tsp dried oregano,  1 can chopped tomatoes 400g/15oz,  1/4 cup red wine, 2 to 3 oz grated parmesan,  1 slice of gluten free multi seeded bread made into bread crumbs (use a hand blender for this task and also excellent for grating parmesan), 2 oz pine nuts, 1 mozzarella ball, handful of fresh basil.

METHOD – Put your olive oil into a heavy based frying pan.  Add onions and mushrooms, allow to cook for 5 minutes.  Add your herbs (dried or fresh).  Add tomatoes and red wine.  Allow this to cook for 20 minutes allowing the herbs to infuse.  Get an ovenproof casserole dish.  Now we are going to layer this like lasagne.  Put a little sauce in the bottom of your dish, add a layer of aubergine, add more sauce, then aubergine until everything is incorporated.  Mix your bread crumbs, parmesan and pine nuts and add a little olive oil and mix together.  Slice your mozzarella ball thinly and place on top of dish.  Sprinkle bread crumb mixture.  Bake at 375F/190C/Gas Mark 5.  Serve as a main course with a side salad or as a vegetable dish.


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Thank you for stopping by.

Mary Joan Calder